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COVID-19 . . . Story 'B'

The COMMON SENSE variant

An easy-to-follow, common sense look at how COVID-19 (Story 'A') is ENTIRELY UNTRUE!

Let's start with some very basic information that SHOULD be BREAKING NEWS, yet you and nearly 8 billion others have NO IDEA as to most, if not all of these vital pieces of the COVID story - all the pieces that have NOT been told to us.

  1. The virus SARS-CoV-2 has NOT been isolated/purified, by anyone, EVER.

  2. SARS-CoV-2 has NEVER been proven as the cause of COVID-19, by anyone, EVER.

  3. PCR, as its inventor always maintained, CANNOT detect free viruses.

  4. PCR, as its inventor always maintained, is NOT to be used as a diagnostic test.

  5. PCR is grossly unreliable, with as many as 90% of results being false positive.

  6. NOT all PCR tests are set at the same ‘cycles’, giving MEANINGLESS results.

  7. PCR tests at 35 cycles + are "WORTHLESS”, says Anthony Fauci, CDC, America.

  8. PCR was used to falsely tell people they had HIV - with Fauci selling that story too.

  9. Material masks CANNOT prevent the spread of particles the size of viruses.

  10. Masks are repeatedly proven as unhealthy when worn for prolonged periods.

  11. The average age of COVID deaths in the U.K. is 82.4

  12. The average age of all deaths in the U.K. is 81.

  13. If under age 60, AND infected, the probability of dying remains far below 1%.

  14. Those over 65 have a 1,000 X greater chance of COVID death than a 15 year old.

  15. People with ‘suspected’ COVID (no testing) have been registered as COVID deaths.

  16. People with multiple other morbidities have been registered as COVID deaths.

  17. The vaccines are the quickest ever brought to market - by about 6 years.

  18. There is NO evidence of the safety of ANY of the COVID vaccines.

  19. There is NO evidence that ANY of these vaccines will give you immunity.

  20. There is NO evidence that ANY of these vaccines will stop you spreading the virus.

  21. Vaccines manufacturers escape all liability if they harm or KILL you.

  22. Your government claim that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks of living on without it, yet there is NO EVIDENCE to support this claim.

  23. NEVER has there been a study proving that human-to-human contact spreads ANY virus - COVID, SARS, MERS, and Asian, Hong Kong, and Spanish Flu included.

  24. There is strong and credible evidence that there are no such things as infectious viruses, and there is NO EVIDENCE to prove that they exist.

  25. There is strong and credible evidence that we have been lied to about ALL aspects of COVID, and that the whole ‘deadly-disease’ pandemic is a fraudulent hoax.

  26. Information that questions the ‘official’ narrative is removed from public access.

  27. Social media has been censored more than EVER before in human history.

  28. Those speaking out against vaccines or anything ‘COVID’ are being demonised.

  29. Laws are passed and implemented at lightning speed, like NEVER seen before.

  30. Those not wanting a vaccine are being marginalised and prejudiced against.

  31. Our human rights are being abused, daily, and have been for over 12 months.

So . . . what’s REALLY going on?!

Introduction (to what's really going on)

Ever since the beginning of the COVID announcements and initial lockdowns back in March 2020, I have been busy investigating and questioning governmental decisions, medical advice, PCR testing, vaccines, and a whole lot more. I have read numerous medical and science books, and researched online for hundreds upon hundreds of hours, watching and listening to countless interviews, documentaries and podcasts. Among some of the books that I have read are:

  • Virus Mania

  • Dissolving Illusions

  • Thugs, Drugs, And The War On Bugs

  • What Really Makes You Ill?

  • Goodbye Germ Theory

  • Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies

  • Jabbed

  • Vaccines; The Biggest Medical Fraud In History

  • Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe And Effective Is Lying, Here’s The Proof

  • Dancing Naked In The Mind Field

Most of these can be found on Amazon or Kindle. The last booked mentioned here - Dancing Naked In The Mind Field - was written by Dr Kary Mullis, the inventor of PCR; the Polymerase Chain Reaction method. As most all human beings will now be well aware, PCR is at the very centre of this pandemic, with it being the ONE thing that is telling us that we are ‘infected’ with SARS-CoV-2, the alleged viral agent that causes the alleged disease labelled as COVID-19. You will learn very quickly that this PCR test is NOT, and NEVER has been, a valid scientific tool for detecting viruses. But, more about that little COVID gem in a moment.

In many respects the subject has consumed me, making me feel like an honorary student at the University of COVID. Unlike many billions among us, I am not one to sit still and believe all that I am told by political authority figures, those muppets that very few of us had any faith in whatsoever before this COVID crisis, so I am keeping a watchful eye on World events as ‘they’ pronounce them, mainly to ensure that I don’t miss a single one of their TALL STORIES.

Unlike most all mainstream journalists have been doing for the last year or so, I am NOT spitting out the same story on repeat. Mainstream journalism (BBC, CNN, Sky, The Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Independent, etc), as a profession, on mass, has broken every single one of its professional Code of Ethics during the last 12 months, of that there is no question. There has been NO debate whatsoever, and anything ‘out there’ that goes against the ‘official’ narrative has been banned, shut down, or fact-checked as being untrue or “harmful misinformation”. Journalists have become robots, doing as told, toeing the ‘official’ COVID line. Shame on them all. Here, just for your amusement, is what America’s Society of Professional Journalists state on their website as the four principles of their industry’s ethics:

Seek truth and report it

Minimise harm

Act independently

Be accountable and transparent

How can we trust the story . . ?

I will leave your good common sense to be the judge of whether you feel that the mainstream media have adhered in ANY way to ANY of their industry’s ethical guidelines. Have they always reported the truth? Have they reported it in ways that ensure no harm is done? Have they acted alone in their investigations and reporting? And have they claimed accountability for what they report to us? Have they my arse!!!

To me, knowing what I know of COVID now from genuine and reliable sources away from the mainstream, for anyone to say that ANY mainstream journalists have adhered in ANY way to ANY of the above is laughable. They have been appalling, at best, with no exceptions that I could possibly care to mention. As I say, they have been robots, simply cutting and pasting what they are told to write and print, with headlines and the body copy always the same, whichever ‘mainstream’ source you go to. But does that mean then that it’s all true? Of course not! Media have been proven as telling lies countless times throughout history. COVID reporting just happens to be the worst case of it, EVER.

Me, on the other hand, I have actually nestled my investigative hat on top of my inquisitive head, and gone looking for some real truths in among all the made-up and sensationalised stories that we have ALL been victim to for the last year, as opposed to cutting and pasting the latest government propaganda to drive the masses into greater fear and economic and social destruction. I have used my own common sense to locate credible sources for verification of all of my findings. But hey, you can be the judge of the validity of any and all of my claims, as and when you decide to go looking for such verification yourself. It makes perfectly good and normal sense to verify anything that you are being told in order to know what’s really going on, as this is undoubtedly THE biggest crisis in the lives of most everyone alive today.

What’s bigger? Harry & Meghan having a mixed-race baby? The Queen’s opinion?!

I assumed from the very outset that we were being lied to about every aspect of this ‘novel’ pandemic, and then researched from then on to deliver some COVID truth gems for you. I have also been very strict with myself to relay these gems to you in plain English, with minimal scientific or legal language, making them easy to comprehend, simple to verify for yourself, and mind-blowing easy for you to then link them all together to formulate the very same and very obvious overriding conclusion as me; IT’S ALL A LIE! Those promoting the ‘deadly contagion’ tale are lying to you . . . including these two World-class story-tellers and career criminals.

Let’s start with the PCR lie . . .

Just as a starter for you in terms of ‘truth gems’, I now share with you a very clear and very relevant statement made by Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR ‘method’, the one now being falsely used as a ‘test’. PCR is the one and ONLY thing that this entire COVID pandemic debacle hangs on, as without it we would not know who has it, AND there would be no ‘cases’ other than those who had died from a strange new disease with very different symptoms to any before it. This is what Mullis said:

“These tests CANNOT detect free infectious viruses at all”.

“Some of the big truths voters have accepted have little or no scientific basis”

As I have written before in a blog called ‘PCR; Scientific Fraud, Positively Proven’, Mullis, the inventor of the PCR ‘method’ - and very much NOT the inventor of a ‘test’ - was very clear on this point. He was also VERY much against the behaviour of, and the underhanded profit-driven goings-on at America’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC), with particular mention on his part as to how Anthony Fauci, the head of the CDC is a “LYING CRIMINAL”, one that “happily stands up and lies to the World to further his own agenda” - which, when you know the truths about COVID, you will readily see for yourself.

Anthony Fauci quite incredibly predicted, only a few years ago, that we would experience a World-wide viral pandemic “VERY SOON”, I can only agree with Mullis in saying that the man leading everything PLANDEMIC in America, Anthony Fauci, is a LYING CRIMINAL.

PCR has NEVER been approved by any medical authority as the ‘Gold Standard’ for the testing of viruses. This is the FIRST and ONLY time that it has been used to detect and diagnose viral infection, EVER. Yet, everyone you listen to who claims how amazing it is refers to it as precisely that, the ‘Gold Standard’ test for infectious diseases. In FACT, it is NOT a test at all, but it is precisely what it was created to be; a laboratory ‘method’ to amplify DNA and RNA. Not a test. Not a test. Not a test!!!

Just as Mullis said himself, he NEVER designed PCR to be a test for viruses. Ask your Doctor if he had heard of PCR before 2020, or indeed sent anyone for a PCR ‘test’ before COVID for any of the other 100 + infectious diseases that we humans apparently live among. He’ll say NO. Either that, or, he is lying to you, precisely the same as Fauci is, and precisely the same as ANYONE else is who is telling you that PCR can detect SARS-CoV-2 and/or diagnose COVID-19. Whoever they are, or however clever and professional they may appear to you, however many letters they have after their name, those claiming that PCR proves that you are infected, in danger of sickness, or that you are a danger to others, is LYING.

Mullis tragically died in 2019, just months before the pandemic was declared. In the foreword of a now very famous book by Dr Peter Duesberg - Inventing The AIDS Virus - Mullis wrote:

“We have not been able to discover any good reasons why most of the people on Earth believe that AIDS is a disease caused by a virus called HIV. There is simply no scientific evidence demonstrating that this is true.”

[Kary Mullis]

“I have not been able to discover any good reasons why most of the people on Earth believe that COVID-19 is a disease caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2. There is simply no scientific evidence demonstrating that this is true.”


WTF?! . . . HIV is NOT the cause of AIDS ?!?!

This jaw-dropping gem really got my thinking head on. As you can well imagine, it stunned me. As a man in my fifties, I have been witness to so much information relating to AIDS throughout my life, and even had a very close friend of the family who had suffered with it for years, tragically dying after a long and painful battle. I had ALWAYS thought that HIV was the direct cause of AIDS, exactly the same as you did before reading this, exactly the same as nearly all 8 billion of us did. Yet it’s just NOT TRUE, and anyone stating otherwise, knowingly or not, is lying. As Mullis says, there has never been ANY scientific evidence presented by ANYONE, ANYWHERE, EVER, to prove that HIV is the cause of AIDS.

This lack of ANY connection for what is unquestionably the most famous of all communicable diseases (pre COVID) astounded me, and it clearly astounded Kary Mullis and many of his colleagues too. And, it gets worse, as it’s NOT the only contagious disease that there is NO EVIDENCE for, because NEVER has ANY virus been proven as the direct cause of ANY disease. I will go on to discuss this virus = disease (or NOT) connection in a short while, as and when I have convinced your common sense to see the wood for the trees on the PCR issue. If any truth be told, it’s that PCR is the ONLY thing that you really need to consider and unravel to see the immensity and the simplicity of the COVID lie. It will make you submit to the belief that in terms of the arena of infectious diseases, the only two things that have unreasonably and purposely been quarantined and locked-down because of it, are the human race, and the truth.

Using PCR to test us all for COVID, and using it as the means to lock us all down and ruin the lives of billions, is not only SCIENTIFIC FRAUD, but it is utterly and outrageously inhumane. Those selling and endorsing the COVID story simply cannot be human. Surely human beings could not be so callous and deceptive, with absolutely zero measure of regard for the life, freedom, and good health of others. We matter none to these monsters. Money is what matters to them. And control. And that’s it. I fail to see it any other way. It’s what my good common sense tells me. I hope, as of today, that yours might see it too.

What would Kary Mullis be telling us?

Consider for a moment what our World might look like if Kary Mullis were still alive today. Would he have changed his mind on this issue, withdrawing all personal statements he had ever made criticising the CDC’s very own, and very long-standing boss-man, Anthony Fauci? Would he have stated that he was grossly mistaken for his entire life, and that PCR could really be used to detect, verify, and diagnose viral infection? OR . . . would he be doing the right and decent thing in calling bullshit on the use of his laboratory method of DNA and RNA amplification as a test for viruses? And particularly after himself having stated VERY CLEARLY, and on numerous occasions, that they were NOT to be used for the detection of viruses, and absolutely NOT to be used for medical diagnosis either. VERY VERY CLEAR!

What do you think? Are our current ‘official’ scientists and government health advisers completely unaware of this gem of information? Do none of them know about Kary Mullis, or what he said? Have you EVER heard any such discussion in the mainstream media? Of course not! It’s not there because it goes against the long-told fairy tale that we can kill each-other with as little as our own breath.

Our common sense would tell us that Mullis would be steaming livid at the demonstrable abuse of his Nobel Prize winning creation. We all have far more sense than to believe that a man so outspoken about his disliking of the ‘virus hunters’ would be so readily corrupted by them; those scheming to ruin the World and get toxic and pointless chemicals into its entire population as fast as possible, hence granting themselves safe passage to pave the way for whatever else they want to falsely test us for or recklessly inject into us next. I am sure Mullis would have had plenty to say on the matter, if only he were alive!

Mindful that those who speak out publicly against the plans and profits of governments or big-business have a habit of ending up dead. In some respects Mullis may be better off having died of natural causes than being alive today, only for him to wake up with a target on his back, stressing for his remaining life trying to make his voice heard above those BIG ones in the mainstreams of politics, media, and health.

A very close friend of the late Kary Mullis is a Canadian researcher called David Crowe. This is what he has to say regarding the use of his friend’s PCR creation for COVID testing:

“I’m sad that he isn’t here to defend his manufacturing technique. Kary did NOT invent a ‘test.’ He invented a very powerful manufacturing technique that is being abused. What are the best applications for PCR? NOT medical diagnostics.

He knew that and he always said that.”

Are you beginning to see it now? Is that giant WHAT-THE-FVCK! penny dropping for you? Is your common sense prevailing? Do you see the deception? The test is NOT a test. And, the test is NOT a test because, in FACT, it is a laboratory technique/method to amplify DNA and RNA. Such an easy lie to tell, but equally as easy to expose. However, most ALL of us alive have been deceived by this very simple trick - the trick to claim that one thing does another when it clearly and demonstrably, does NOT.

The cycles of deception . . .

We don’t see or hear ANY of this ‘PCR is unfit-for-purpose’ narrative from our blindly-trusted mainstream media. NONE of it, EVER. We don’t get told these gems of very topical and vitally important information. We have to go looking for them in among books and sites on the internet that willingly share such information in an attempt to get the truth out to the masses, and not in among the made-up nonsense the media spits out at us.

If you are sat there thinking as to why you don’t know this SERIOUSLY IMPORTANT piece of the COVID puzzle, pondering as to how this could not have been told to us by our authority figures, then you really do need to realise, VERY SOON, that we are all being played. The World truly is a stage, with the criminals up front and centre, right there in plain sight, where can all see them - all those dictating the “be afraid” narrative on eternal repeat. Invasion, war, killing, fear. All played out to us by sold-out pawns.

Staying on both PCR and Anthony Fauci for a moment, I can also tell you as matter of demonstrable FACT, that Fauci has blurted out a few home-truths about PCR himself, the BIGGEST one of them relating to the amount of cycles that the PCR ‘test’ is run at. When I refer to cycles here, again this is something that is probably completely new to you, something that you have more than likely never heard of . . . until now. I can almost hear you saying it; “PCR ‘cycles’, what are they?”

Well, PCR, by Mullis’s own design, amplifies very minute particles of DNA (and also RNA) to replicate and produce them in more abundance, making them easier to investigate and more of their substance to be put to good use in the laboratory environment. Mullis was a Noel prize winning Chemist, NOT a Virologist. As before, and I repeat, he did NOT invent PCR as a means of virus detection.

A PCR ‘cycle’ is the primary element to the process of amplification. In essence, if you start with just one piece of DNA, each and every cycle you run it through doubles the amount of resulting DNA that can then be utilised. Seems simple, but it’s not, in fact it is VERY technical. In essence though, it’s a laboratory ‘method’ that doubles-up DNA every time a cycle is run; one cycle = double the amount of DNA. As you can see, it’s a ‘process’ . . . a ‘method’ . . . a ‘technique’ . . . and very much NOT a test.

This method, when used to go looking for anything genetic with the intention of giving you a YES or NO answer based on how much of it is found in you, is so fundamentally flawed it defies all belief. The cycle count - for want of a better word - is so variant, it’s a joke. To me, it may very well be the easiest way to control the outcome of a test on human beings that anyone could have ever possibly imagined, even in their very wildest of dreams. You = negative, him = positive, them = negative, the others = positive. It’s the A1 perfect way to fudge the numbers. And, quite ironically, the only clear and obvious thing that it actually DOES test for, is SCIENTIFIC FRAUD. It is positively proven as being entirely unfit for purpose - in fact just with Mullis’s words alone, yet still, and on constant repeat, it is being promoted and endorsed FALSELY by those with vested interests in any of the outcomes of its use as a test.

Even Fauci tells us it’s NOT to be used . . .

Relating this to Anthony Fauci, the head of the CDC, a man despised by Kary Mullis, I can explain to you that many PCR tests are set by their manufacturers at 40 cycles or more. Fauci himself has stated, very openly, and more than once since COVID began, that any PCR test run at 35 cycles or more is “FLAWED”, and NOT to be used for diagnosis of COVID, but to be treated as nothing other than “WORTHLESS”.

His words! HIS words!!

So, reaching for my basic common sense detector here, I fail to understand how ANY so-called PCR ‘test’ set at 35 cycles or greater can in ANY way be approved for use, certainly by the likes of the CDC, the NHS, the World Health Organisation, or the like? Yet, for some reason, they have been used . . . a lot!

And, also, equally as baffling to my common sense, is why we have very different tests for the very same disease?! Why are some labs using test kits with less than 30 cycles, whilst others are using them as high as 45 or even 50 cycles? Why are we not all being tested in the very same way with the very same test? This makes NO sense! Why should your test be any different to mine? This alone, is prejudice, page one.

PCR can be seen as nothing other than a test of your very own common sense, albeit right up until that point in time where we KNOW it’s NOT A TEST. Please allow that time of knowing to be right here, right now. I trust that I have already given you what you need to know, and that I have done so without the need for letters after my name or my own constituency to convince you that what I say is the truth. It’s obvious to anyone with any common sense that PCR is SCIENTIFIC FRAUD.

The reason that this cycle issue is of such GREAT IMPORTANCE is because of the indisputable FACT that the greater the cycles the test is run at, the greater the likelihood is of a positive result for COVID. Simple as that. In support of this, a recent declaration made by a large group of scientists and Doctors, The Barrington Declaration, states that up to 90% of all PCR tests could be giving false positive results. This means that up to nine out of ten of us are being FALSELY labelled as being infected with ‘it’. As we now know all too well, this has HUGE implications and consequences, not only for us as individuals, but for the population at large too. The domino effect of these never-ending false tests is terrifying to think of.

The Great Barrington Declaration can be found at As at March 2021, it has now been signed by 13,748 medical and health scientists, 41,679 medical practitioners, and 759,481 concerned citizens. Please apply your common sense again here in considering how is it possible that tens of thousands of medical and scientific professionals are wrong? Surely, at very least, this level of disagreement, let alone the growing outrage and dispute against the official narrative, should be getting its voice firmly into the debate. Are masks good or bad? Social distancing, does it work? Is PCR able to test for viruses? The virus, has it been proven? Has it been isolated and purified? The vaccine, is it safe and effective? What are the risks? But NO! We see and hear NO such debate on our TVs or in our newspapers, EVER. All we get is Harry, Meghan, Piers and Oprah! God help us all.

So, if you are one of the many unfortunate among us who have already been tested - me included here - then you will doubtless have no idea as to how many cycles your test was set and run at? Do you? Was that MAJOR detail revealed to you at the time of your test? Of course NOT, as you didn’t know to ask. So how then could you possibly ever know with ANY measure of certainty as to whether you had COVID or not? And how can ANYONE tell us with ANY certainty as to how many of us have genuinely been infected? It is simply an IMPOSSIBLE task by virtue of the FACT that the test is being used fraudulently, and this crime of misleading the entire population of the World is one of epic proportion. To me, there has NEVER been a larger or more sinister crime in the history of mankind;


Regardless of the FACT that Mullis did NOT invent PCR for detecting viruses, it has been used as a tool for those who wish to decide who is going to test positive and who is not. If the desire is to keep the case count up to place added pressure on populations to get vaccinated, or to ruin our businesses further and deprive us of any social interaction or travel, then all that is required is PCR test kits set at high cycle counts. EASY! Sick, twisted, scientifically way beyond unsound, and way beyond anyone’s definition of fraud, but easy nonetheless. And, unless your common sense helps you see the trick we will doubtless all be testing positive for new variants and new viruses - ongoing, and forever. What will we be falsely diagnosed with next, and what will our lives look like when this fraudulent use of PCR continues to be the driving force behind more lockdowns, more masks, vaccines, vaccine passports, etc?!

A test of trust . . .

As I have explained, if this cycle element to testing is not relayed to us before we test, while we test, or after we test, then how can we trust the tests, and how can we trust those encouraging us all to test? “Test, test, test”. It’s all we ever seem to hear now. Frustratingly and inhumanely, even children are now being tested in schools across the World. So, as you can readily see, if positive COVID cases are the end game at any given time, then all that is required is PCR tests set at high cycles. As I say, easy, regardless of the FACT that it’s discriminatory, as well as being a flagrant disregard for, and breach of, our human rights. These pharmaceutical monsters have truly surpassed all good morals and ethics in this PCR practice in order to have us placed right where they want us . . . in the queue for their vaccines, then sick and needy for their thousands upon thousands of other drugs.

As shown on my initial BREAKING NEWS page, not only are we being tested in a way that makes no common sense whatsoever, but we are all being tested because we believe that SARS-CoV-2 exists. We believe that clever scientists have gone through normal viral-detection procedures, found a very new and unique type of coronavirus, and that tests have been carried out to demonstrate that it can be transmitted from one human being to another. As with everything ‘COVID’, nothing could be further from the truth.

NO PROOF of viruses causing disease, EVER!

Not only has HIV never been shown as the cause of AIDS, but there has also NEVER been any scientific evidence to prove that any one virus is the direct cause of any one disease, COVID included. Our current pandemic killer, the SARS-CoV-2 bug, has NEVER been isolated (purified) and proven as the direct cause of COVID-19 . . . EVER . . . by ANYONE . . . ANYWHERE.

Several freelance medical journalists and researchers have sought confirmation and evidence from many of the World’s leading health authorities as to the connection between SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, yet NONE have replied with the relevant evidence. Not one! The only plausible reason for this scientific verification not being forthcoming is that it doesn’t exist. There is simply no proof to send out to anyone, courier or first class. And, added to the fact that HIV has not been proven as the cause of AIDS, and that SARS-CoV-2 has not been proven as the cause of COVID-19, is the fact that no other virus has been proven as the cause of ANY disease. If you can prove me wrong on this point - the seriously well-supported claim that no virus has ever been proven as the cause of any disease - I will eat my shoes.

The first place to go looking for your proof is by researching a German virologist, Dr Steffan Lanka. In November 2011 he offered €100,000 reward for anyone who could prove that the measles virus existed - just as most all humans believe it to be. One man, a physician called David Bardens, stepped up with six papers that he said were solid proof. Lanka said that his papers in no way proved it, so then began a court case. After Lanka initially lost the case in the local court, he appealed the decision and won the case at a higher regional court. Bardens then took his appeal to the German federal court, but they saw no good reason to retry the case. So, it was NEVER proven, in a court of law, that the measles virus existed.

It makes me wonder what the resulting judgement might be if someone takes such a case to court over COVID-19? I am looking into this myself to see what the process might be, but I have every faith in such proceedings not taking place in the foreseeable future, as of course the courts are dictated to by governments, and if the government don’t want a judgement against them they will move Heaven and Earth to ensure that it doesn’t get to court quickly, and do everything possible to influence the outcome.

However, this said, there are many legal cases beginning to take place around the World already. These include those where people have been wrongly quarantined or wrongly arrested, as well as those far more serious ones where some are prosecuting very prominent people in government, health, and media, for crimes against humanity. I will not go into any detail here about any of these, as they are all in their early stages, waiting for their day in court. But, unless any one high-brow individual does go to court and is found guilty, I know full well that the media will not cover a single second of it . . .

It doesn’t fit their STORY.

If you do go searching for the Lanka V Bardens measles case, some of what you will find is fact-checkers that say this is untrue, or news articles that only report Bardens win on the first round, with no mention of Lanka’s win in the higher court. The court records show, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that all of the above, just as I have explained it, DID happen. History is purposely marred by those who report it to us, and on the specific instructions of those who pay for it to be written. To this day no one else has made a claim to Dr Lanka’s €100,000 reward for proof of the measles virus. Seems strange, don’t you think?!


Two men becoming very popular on social media platforms during this COVID crisis are Dr Andrew Kaufman and Dr Tom Cowan. Both of these extremely smart physicians explain how isolation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has NEVER been proven. They state that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has NOT been isolated, by ANYONE, ANYWHERE, and therefore cannot be proven as the cause of COVID-19. It’s a bold statement, of course, particularly to believers in the whole ‘deadly-virus’ narrative, but when you read what they have to say it might just make you see that we are all locked up and living in fear of nothing more than a made-up tale, one perpetrated by means of easily provable SCIENTIFIC FRAUD.

To the layman - which is me included as I am no laboratory scientist - isolation, when related to viruses, means the complete separation of the virus particles from absolutely everything else, no other materials present at all, solely the virus particles. This has to be done in order to identify them on their own, to verify that they are actually what scientists say they are, and then to use those isolated virus particles to proceed through the necessary processes and experiments to demonstrate that it is indeed these specific SARS-CoV-2 virus particles that are transmitting between us, and that they are the sole cause of this very specific and all-new disease, COVID-19.

A brilliantly written Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI) can be found on Dr Andrew Kaufman’s own website, It explains, in very simple terms - so as not to confuse or mislead those who know nothing about science - how isolation should be carried out, as well as how it has NOT been carried out. The whole statement is below, in full, as written. I can assure you that this statement - written by Dr Kaufman and Dr Cowan, in collaboration with the co-author of a book called The Contagion Myth, Sally Fallon Morrel MA - will drop your jaw on the issue of COVID-19 having NEVER been discovered. The statement, in full, is as follows:

Isolation: The action of isolating; the fact or condition of being isolated or standing alone; separation from other things or persons; solitariness.

[Oxford English Dictionary]

The controversy over whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus has ever been isolated or purified continues. However, using the above definition, common sense, the laws of logic and the dictates of science, any unbiased person must come to the conclusion that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated or purified. As a result, no confirmation of the virus’ existence can be found. The logical, common sense, and scientific consequences of this fact are:

  • the structure and composition of something not shown to exist can’t be known, including the presence, structure, and function of any hypothetical spike or other proteins;

  • the genetic sequence of something that has never been found can’t be known;

  • “variants” of something that hasn’t been shown to exist can’t be known;

  • it’s impossible to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19.

In as concise terms as possible, here’s the proper way to isolate, characterize and demonstrate a new virus. First, one takes samples (blood, sputum, secretions) from many people (e.g. 500) with symptoms which are unique and specific enough to characterize an illness. Without mixing these samples with ANY tissue or products that also contain genetic material, the virologist macerates, filters and ultracentrifuges i.e. purifies the specimen. This common virology technique, done for decades to isolate bacteriophages1 and so-called giant viruses in every virology lab, then allows the virologist to demonstrate with electron microscopy thousands of identically sized and shaped particles. These particles are the isolated and purified virus.

These identical particles are then checked for uniformity by physical and/or microscopic techniques. Once the purity is determined, the particles may be further characterized. This would include examining the structure, morphology, and chemical composition of the particles. Next, their genetic makeup is characterized by extracting the genetic material directly from the purified particles and using genetic-sequencing techniques, such as Sanger sequencing, that have also been around for decades. Then one does an analysis to confirm that these uniform particles are exogenous (outside) in origin as a virus is conceptualized to be, and not the normal breakdown products of dead and dying tissues.2 (As of May 2020, we know that virologists have no way to determine whether the particles they’re seeing are viruses or just normal break-down products of dead and dying tissues.)3

1 Isolation, characterization and analysis of bacteriophages from the haloalkaline lake Elmenteita, KenyaJuliah Khayeli Akhwale et al, PLOS One, Published: April 25, 2019. — accessed 2/15/21

2 “Extracellular Vesicles Derived From Apoptotic Cells: An Essential Link Between Death and Regeneration,” Maojiao Li1 et al, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2020 October 2. — accessed 2/15/21

3 “The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses,” Flavia Giannessi, et al, Viruses, 2020 May

If we have come this far then we have fully isolated, characterized, and genetically sequenced an exogenous virus particle. However, we still have to show it is causally related to a disease. This is carried out by exposing a group of healthy subjects (animals are usually used) to this isolated, purified virus in the manner in which the disease is thought to be transmitted. If the animals get sick with the same disease, as confirmed by clinical and autopsy findings, one has now shown that the virus actually causes a disease. This demonstrates infectivity and transmission of an infectious agent.

None of these steps has even been attempted with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, nor have all these steps been successfully performed for any so-called pathogenic virus. Our research indicates that a single study showing these steps does not exist in the medical literature.

Instead, since 1954, virologists have taken unpurified samples from a relatively few people, often less than ten, with a similar disease. They then minimally process this sample and inoculate this unpurified sample onto tissue culture containing usually four to six other types of material — all of which contain identical genetic material as to what is called a “virus.” The tissue culture is starved and poisoned and naturally disintegrates into many types of particles, some of which contain genetic material. Against all common sense, logic, use of the English language and scientific integrity, this process is called “virus isolation.” This brew containing fragments of genetic material from many sources is then subjected to genetic analysis, which then creates in a computer-simulation process the alleged sequence of the alleged virus, a so called in silico genome. At no time is an actual virus confirmed by electron microscopy. At no time is a genome extracted and sequenced from an actual virus. This is scientific fraud.

The observation that the unpurified specimen — inoculated onto tissue culture along with toxic antibiotics, bovine fetal tissue, amniotic fluid and other tissues — destroys the kidney tissue onto which it is inoculated is given as evidence of the virus’ existence and pathogenicity. This is scientific fraud.

From now on, when anyone gives you a paper that suggests the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated, please check the methods sections. If the researchers used Vero cells or any other culture method, you know that their process was not isolation. You will hear the following excuses for why actual isolation isn’t done:

  1. There were not enough virus particles found in samples from patients to analyze.

  2. Viruses are intracellular parasites; they can’t be found outside the cell in this manner.

If No. 1 is correct, and we can’t find the virus in the sputum of sick people, then on what evidence do we think the virus is dangerous or even lethal? If No. 2 is correct, then how is the virus spread from person to person? We are told it emerges from the cell to infect others. Then why isn’t it possible to find it?

Finally, questioning these virology techniques and conclusions is not some distraction or divisive issue. Shining the light on this truth is essential to stop this terrible fraud that humanity is confronting. For, as we now know, if the virus has never been isolated, sequenced or shown to cause illness, if the virus is imaginary, then why are we wearing masks, social distancing and putting the whole world into prison?

Finally, if pathogenic viruses don’t exist, then what is going into those injectable devices erroneously called “vaccines,” and what is their purpose? This scientific question is the most urgent and relevant one of our time.

We are correct. The SARS-CoV2 virus does not exist.

Dr Andrew Kaufman MD, Dr Tom Cowan MA, Sally Fallon Morrel MA

Could this statement be ANY CLEARER?!

And, it must also be noted that any images you have seen such as the one below are very much NOT viruses, whether COVID-19 or any other for that matter. They are all made-up; visualised and then created by the use of computer generated imagery (CGI), and NOT what anyone has found in a laboratory, and nor are they an indication of anything remotely relating to what you might think is here to infect you.

I am not sure there is anything more that I could add, or even wish to add, other than this extremely clear and concise explanation above as to how the virus has NOT been isolated. As you can see from their statement, they are ALL three stating that THERE IS NO VIRUS!

When you decide to go looking into Dr Kaufman, Dr Cowan, or Sally Fallon Morrel, be mindful that all mainstream internet and social media platforms have been heavily altered and censored since COVID came into our lives. No doubt you will come across information vilifying them and their credentials. Be well aware that BIG-Tech is in on the cover-up too, and those not wishing for you to believe in the FACT that THERE IS NO VIRUS will go to extraordinary lengths to have you believe that the word of such people holds no stock. Their credibility, as well as many others exposing the lies, is under heavy attack.

LIES, all of it . . .

My findings, as you can see, are that we have been lied to. A lot! And not just about PCR and the non-isolation of the virus, but we have been lied to about the discovery of the virus itself, the ‘test’, the case numbers, the death numbers, the wearing of masks, social distancing, vaccines, the law, enforcement of the law, and almost everything else that anyone cares to consider as a COVID mater. I cannot find ANY truth in among what we are being told about ANYTHING. I can put this to you in no other way than in bold, underlined, capital letters: IT’S ALL LIES!

In fact, I struggle to see any single subject that’s so full of lies in the entire history of mankind, the likes of the Moon landing and 9/11 included. What I have mostly struggled with though, is trying to have conversations with those who do absolutely ZERO research of their own, yet still stick to the official ‘party line’ that there really is a deadly virus among us and that all measures as dictated and inflicted upon us by our World leaders and health organisations are all perfectly valid and all based on good, sound, scientific evidence, as well as their good intent regarding our common public health. Yet, as with everything we have been told, NOTHING could be further from the truth, and it only takes common sense and a little research to see it. My plan is to help you use your common sense to see some, if not, all of it.

“Common sense, proportionality and judgement are the skills

we must seek in those who we choose to regulate our lives”

Mark Walport

Consider another idea . . ?

I fully appreciate that it is painfully hard to accept that you have been tricked and taken for a fool. And it’s also not a common human experience to change our minds on something that we have heard on repeat for a very long time - see God, see tradition, see abortion, see same-sex marriage, and so on. We are stubborn beings, most of us closed to any new information or ideas that conflict with our own lived-out and firmly-established ‘truths’. It’s also not easy to accept that human beings, in an organised and purposeful fashion, can do such sinister things to each-other, and that so many World leaders and their advisers can be so stupid, ignorant to the truth, or just downright corrupted. Yet . . . here we are!

It sucks, like nothing in our lives has ever sucked before. But we have to wake up to the idea that this utter made-up nonsense is a carefully considered collection of lies that have been put together and planned out in order to fulfil an agenda that most all of us are completely unaware of.

If you dismiss the idea that we are all being lied to, then my aim - as per the title of this article - is to focus your attention on your own common sense, and to recognise it as being your guide to finding ‘truth’ in Story ‘B’. I intend to keep using my common sense to touch on yours. This tale of deadly disease being among us is just not true, and it is ONLY common sense that can save us all from the unpleasant future that awaits us if we don’t unravel the mysteries of it all and come up with the truth, the answers, and the solutions, all on our own, away from the criminals that are deceiving us and stealing all that we ever held to be ‘normality’, as well as most all of our inalienable human rights.

Where did the lies begin?

Firstly, we are still totally in the dark as to where SARS-CoV-2 originated from. Was it from a filthy germ-infested wet-food market in China, where strange creatures are killed on-the-spot for human consumption? Was it from a military base in America where soldiers have been used as guinea pigs for vaccine experiments for decades? Was it just a natural mutation of our every-day cold and flu viruses, this one having decided that it’s high time to take us all down? Or, as some were led to believe early on, could it have been created in a lab as a weapon of germ warfare, one that escaped out into the open by mistake?

Who knows where it came from? Do you? Of course not. NO ONE does.

Therefore, I cannot write on the subject of its origin, but what I can and will tell you is that there is a very strong and believable alternative version of events. It’s called Terrain Theory. This is a really BIG one for believers in COVID to get their heads around, as it implies that we get ‘dis-eased’ from our own lifestyles and our own environments, and NOT because of little germs that fly through the air and infect us. Terrain Theory suggest that we do NOT ‘catch’ these diseases from others, and certainly not from shopping trolleys or passing cash between us. What Terrain Theory states is that we simply ‘develop’ disease as a result of our toxic environment and our bad diet and life choices. We ingest and inhale toxins, we get sick.

I will come on to Terrain Theory a little further on, as for now I want to move onto the subject of vaccines, because as at NOW (March 2021), they are a BIG BIG BIG ISSUE - or they certainly should be - for billions of us. We are ALL now having to decide YES or NO. Are they good or are they bad? Do they work? Are they necessary? Will they mean that I can travel? Will they mean we can all go back to normal? The question of vaccines is unquestionably a serious consideration, now more than EVER!

Vaccines . . .

If we acknowledge that we are being lied to in order to get vaccines in our arms, then what on God’s Earth is in the vaccine, and what might the consequences of having them be? Are we in harm’s way? Will we get sick? Could we die? Well, in answering this, let me start here with a question for you; a very simple one to help you make that VERY IMPORTANT yes/no decision with your own common sense:

If you were diagnosed with cancer and told by the Doctor that there was a 99% chance of life-long survival, without any need for medical intervention, with you leading a healthy life free of any cancer symptoms or associated sickness, and no reduction in your lifespan whatsoever, would you still have chemotherapy? Would you elect to have this most unpleasant body-damaging treatment if it only improved your chances of survival by 1%?

If your answer to this question is YES, that you would opt for chemotherapy in this ‘99% survival rate’ scenario, then I have to inform you right here and now that you have zero common sense, But, hopefully, this does not apply to you - the lack of common sense thing - as, like me, and like most 8 billion other human beings alive, you would, and certainly should say a very quick and very audible, “NO!” The word NO is going to be the overwhelmingly common answer, as it’s quite obviously the answer that makes the most sense. All of us can apply good common sense to this question, certainly given that the odds of survival are stacked so enormously in our favour; 99% SURVIVAL, NO medical intervention necessary.

I have witnessed chemotherapy first-hand, and I can assure you that it is not good. In essence, it attacks your entire body, by design, with highly toxic chemicals, in an attempt to kill the cancerous cells. Your other cells suffer equally, all of them. Anyone who has had chemotherapy will tell you that it is a long-winded and painful endurance for the body and the mind, not only for the victim, but for family and loved ones too, hearts and souls being pushed to horrific limits. There are some who undergo chemotherapy that do not survive the treatment, and others who die only a short time afterwards.

So, knowing that it is very unpleasant, and that the Doctor has told you that there’s only a 1% chance of death with your type of cancer if you don’t go for the chemotherapy, you would not just be lacking in common sense to opt-in to having it, but you would be considered as clinically insane, entirely out of touch with any of your senses. Risk it for just that 1%? Of course NOT! What you would do though, is place that 99% survival number in the forefront in your mind, reach your arms up, dance down the street screaming with joy, and then go home to share the great news with your family and friends over a celebratory dinner and a glass of bubbly. That would make perfect common sense. In fact, ANY other decision would make no sense whatsoever.

What then if you were given the same odds for brain tumour surgery? A 99% chance of survival without it, and a 1% greater chance of survival by going under the knife? Mindful here that this knife is used on your brain after first having had a big piece of your skull removed for ease of access. It’s very high-risk surgery. What then would your choice be? With only a 1% chance of improving your current condition, with the grave risk of death or physical and mental disability due to the surgery, what do you choose?

The same common sense would apply to the 1% brain surgery question as to the 1% chemotherapy one, of course. Why have ANY treatment or intervention if the risk of you dying from what you have been diagnosed with is so small? If your chances of survival and long-term good health are so far weighted on the upside, then why consider signing-up to ANY such risk-filled downside?

The global survival rate for COVID-19 is 99.7%

Welcome to being statistically SAFE.

Welcome to your chances of NOT dying from COVID-19.

Welcome to the ONLY reason required to say NO to a vaccine.

Welcome to COMMON SENSE!

Chances are . . .

As a human being living on Earth in March 2020, your well-publicised chances of dying from COVID are a FRACTION of 1%. In FACT, they are presently 0.33%. However, there are already many reports of vaccine injuries, including the all-time very worst one; DEATH. It’s now referred to as ‘sudden-death’ of course, with the manufacturers and those medical personnel promoting and administering them claiming that these cases of sudden-death have nothing to do with the vaccine. To discount the vaccine as the cause of death when death occurs immediately after it, is nothing shy of outrageous.

I am no Doctor, but what I can tell you is that the cancer scenario above - the one where your chances of survival without the need for a risky medical intervention are 99% - applies directly to COVID. This scenario, with these statistics, for COVID, is VERY REAL. As I said above, as a member of the human species your chances of dying from COVID are presently less than 1%, so why have a vaccine for something that you have such ridiculously high odds of surviving? Why waste your time even taking the time to consider having one? Why even have that conversation? Your common sense should tell you that it is a wholly unnecessary risk. To all of this I say:

“Who cares what’s in it, because with a 99%+ chance of survival without it,

I’ll take my chances.”

But, with all the above said, our decision to take a vaccine is now absolutely NOT solely based on the odds of death or sickness as a result of either ‘catching’ COVID or having one of its all-new vaccines. Now, our decision is affected by the consideration of how our future wellbeing and daily lives will be affected if we DON’T take the jab. The decision now also includes not just our health, but also our inalienable rights and freedoms. We are being oppressively coerced, slowly and surely, into having something that our common sense would ordinarily tell us that we would not choose, certainly if the odds were 99 to 1, just as they are for COVID-19 survival without a vaccine.

Why then are people queuing up for the jab, even boasting about how they just had it, when they know the sum of NOTHING about it? Did we all become devoid of all common sense in 2020?! Most people know the sum of zero about the COVID vaccine. Nothing! And, therefore, how possibly can these people be making a common sense and fully-informed decision of any kind when considering having one? It baffles me!!!

The consent forms that many are being asked to sign before vaccination do NOT give you ANY probabilities of sickness or death, reason being that they are completely unknown, to anyone. Nor do they confirm ANY immunity from COVID. Some health authorities are even stating that the ONLY thing that it does actually do is reduce your symptoms if or when you get them. Nor does the form confirm that you will not be a future carrier of COVID. It offers NO guarantees of protection whatsoever. Even if you drop dead seconds after having it, ALL liability sits with you. You cannot claim against the person who gave it to you, the vaccine manufacturer, or your government. You are on your own. And not only do you take on all these risks, you do so knowing that not much else will change in your life too. Yes, you may get into that concert, but you’ll still be wearing a mask and sat 2 metres away from the next person.

I live in Mauritius, where there have been only 10 deaths among a population of 1.3 million. The vaccine uptake here is obviously not what the authorities had hoped it to be, so now that the vaccine supplies have arrived, the health authorities have found many more ‘cases’ from the fraudulent use of PCR, now putting us all back into lockdown. We were entirely free of cases for nearly a year, no one had died here since March of last year, all the COVID dead were taken almost immediately, and then . . . NONE!

Seriously alarming . . .

The Vaccine Registration & Consent Form that Mauritians are being asked to sign is SERIOUSLY ALARMING. I have included it below for direct reference, but in summary, it quite clearly says:

  1. The vaccine has NOT undergone the review that any vaccine might have done in “normal”circumstances. This means that it has not been properly tested, and that no studies have been carried out to see how many people might get sick or die in comparison to those who do not vaccinate.

  2. It is ONLY being used because of a government-declared ‘Public Health Emergency’. This means it has been rushed to market. Taking it can be nothing more than an experimental leap of faith.

  3. It claims to be being used based on “current science”; science, that has apparently shown that “the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks of taking it”. This is saying that there is evidence that you are better off taking it than not. However, it does NOT offer ANY such evidence, as no such evidence exists, and nor can it for something that has NOT been tested. This grossly misleading statement is 100% demonstrably FALSE! No one can produce any such science without long-term testing. The grotesque measure of this one lie alone is beyond all belief!!!

  4. You will be kept under observation for 30 minutes after the vaccine is given. If the vaccine is so harmless, why should you need to stay under observation at all? What could possibly go wrong?!

  5. You are confirming that you understand the benefits and the risks of the vaccine, as per 3. above. Yet, it is NOT made clear, anywhere, that it does NOT guarantee you immunity, it does NOT guarantee that you will not become infected, and it does NOT guarantee that you will not go on to infect others.

  6. You are giving consent to them looking at your medical records at any time, but probably NOT at the time of the vaccine, or indeed before it. Your Doctor has NOT been consulted, and as such your medical history is NOT considered fully prior to you receiving it. The person administering your vaccine decides whether you are an ‘eligible person’ from your answers to a few basic questions.

  7. You acknowledge that injury or death COULD happen at any time, even whilst having it.

  8. You accept ALL risks associated with the vaccine, including ANY form of injury, including death.

  9. You surrender your right to making ANY claims against the government, EVER. This is the VERY SAME government who are recommending it and encouraging you to have it, as their claim is that it is beneficial to you. It has NOT been proven to be beneficial, because it has NOT been tested.

  10. You surrender your right to making ANY claims against The Global Health Partnership (GAVI). Even if GAVI are shown as negligent or at fault, you can make NO CLAIM against them, EVER.

  11. You surrender your right to making ANY claim against the nations who supplied the vaccines, even if those nations are shown as being negligent or at fault. You have NO CLAIM against them, EVER.

  12. You surrender your right to making ANY claim against the vaccine manufacturer, even if the manufacturer is shown as being negligent or at fault, you can make NO CLAIM against them, EVER.

  13. There is NO EVIDENCE that it is in any way safe or effective, and there are NO GUARANTEES!

How possible that at any time in the chronicled history of our collective human common sense did we EVER arrive at a place where someone can inject us with unknown substances with unknown outcomes, and be free of ALL blame?! Are we REALLY that stupid?!?! It’s completely nuts. Who in their right mind - particularly those in charge of our collective health as a species - would allow this to be the medical ‘system’ that we all pay for and live by?

How did we become so detached from our common sense?

Vaccines; it's what we don’t know that matters MOST!

So, in summary on the YES/NO vaccine issue, ALL future risk and liability sits with you after having had only minutes to ask questions and receive answers from a complete stranger (NOT your own Doctor) about the risks and the supposed benefits, NONE of which are listed or easy to find elsewhere prior to your going for the jab and giving your consent there and then. Surely if you are signing your rights away in taking it, you would want to know what was in store long before having it, as well as your Doctor or someone with a wealth of impartial vaccine experience being the one sat in front of you answering your questions?!

The irony of informed consent is that only a minuscule number of people who elect to have any vaccine actually know and fully understand their ingredients, their supposed mechanism of function, or the risks attached to them. Not many parents even ask what’s being put into their newborns!! What are the chances of sickness and death? What are the benefits? What are the ingredients? What are the safety guarantees? Is it essential? All these questions . . . rarely asked, rarely considered. But most would say to this, why ask the questions when you trust in the science?!

What vaccine science? Where?

From seeing how the Mauritian Vaccine Consent Form is written, it would certainly seem that a good team of lawyers had cast their eyes over it more than once before it went to print. After all, the government want to ensure that they are not left on the hook for anything, so they would have had their very best write the form, surely? Yet, this said, look at the blatant and easy-to-spot misrepresentation regarding the scientific EVIDENCE that they say their ‘vaccinate-as-many-as-possible’ policy is based upon. What they state is that the “totality of scientific evidence” shows that the “known and potential benefits outweigh the known and potential risks”. How possible for them to say this when these vaccines have NEVER been used before, and there are NO such studies available whatsoever - and how can there be any such studies when the vaccine has only just been introduced?! Not just a slight misrepresentation, or even so much as a purposeful soft dressing-up of a half-truth, but a 100%, gold-plated, LIE.

To add insult to injury regarding the alleged safety of the COVID vaccines, the Attorney General of Mauritius, Maneesh Gobin, on 18th March 2021, stated VERY CLEARLY, at a national press conference, that “THEY ARE SAFE FOR YOUR HEALTH.” His precise words, exactly. So, a political lawyer in charge of oversight of the laws of a nation, gets in front of a TV camera and repeats the most ridiculous LIE that has ever been told here, to all 1.3 million people. This man is NOT to be trusted.

How can we trust ANYONE to tell us the truth? Minister Gobin, a lawyer who has found his way to the very top tiers of governmental power, has abused his position to encourage the nation to a) sign all their rights away, b) accept known toxins into their bodies, and c) do these two ridiculous things with his non-evidenced assurance that it’s all going to be fine. In fact, he states that it’s ‘SAFE’. He, nor ANYONE knows what might come of this all-new global immunisation campaign, as it has NEVER been done before. NEVER. So his claim is fraudulent, misleading, and . . . if truth really be told . . . sinisterly inhumane. Trust him? NO WAY! Trust anyone telling me to take the vaccine? NO WAY!!! There simply is NO science to suggest that we are better off with COVID vaccines than without them.

Trust WHO?!

How does it make any sense to trust a complete stranger to tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? All COVID vaccine inserts warn of side effects, including death. COVID vaccine manufacturers offer NO assurances of their effectiveness, NO guarantee of their safety, and NO promise that you will not have symptoms of COVID, or indeed that when you actually meet the ‘real’ virus in the real World, that you will not drop dead. They are entirely UNTESTED on human beings, and have only been sanctioned by World governments under Emergency Use Authorisation. There is no one alive today who can or will give you any guarantees, or even any idea as to what the future might hold for you after your vaccine. NOT ONE person can give you ANY such assurances without LYING to you!

So, again, moving back to our common sense, please just take a moment here to explain to yourself your justification for having a COVID vaccine. Statistically, there is near-on ZERO need for it, and in terms of safety and efficacy, no one in the World can tell you what the results might be. NO ONE! We are all therefore, by default, nothing other than lab rats in the World’s largest human experiment. To those of us with any measure of common sense, it can be seen in no other way. Talk yourself into it, or talk yourself out of it. Up to you . . . stupid or smart. Your arm, your health, your life, your choice.

The mRNA vaccines from Phizer and Moderna are actually NOT vaccines at all. According to the CDC’s very own definition of a vaccine, this all-new mRNA one does not comply in ANY way. Vaccines, by definition, are supposed to a) give you immunity from the disease that you are taking them for, and b) prevent you from becoming infected by that very same disease. The mRNA vaccine does NEITHER. All it does, apparently, is reduce your symptoms when you become infected. That’s it! So, in truth, even if you sign up for having this most risky of medical interventions, signing ANY and ALL rights you have away with the wind, all you are actually agreeing to is having a heap of toxic chemicals pumped into you that suggest that you might have reduced symptoms if you get infected.

As these vaccines remain entirely untested, you are actually participating in a global medical experiment, and very much NOT partaking in a tried, tested, and perfectly safe public health initiative to stop infection, create herd-immunity, or eradicate the disease. We have NEVER experienced such a thing in our living history. We have never been lied to on such a scale, ever.

Israel leading the way . . .

I share with you here a very recent and very IMPORTANT review of vaccinations in Israel, the nation with the highest vaccine uptake percentage in the World so far (as at March 2021), even twice that of the second highest uptake; the UK. It shows some VERY alarming statistics, as well as some alarming behaviour among many of the nursing staff in Israel:

While in January a group of independent doctors concluded that experimental COVID-19 vaccines are “not safer” than the virus itself, a new analysis of vaccine-related death rates in Israel demonstrates that this may indeed be the case to dramatic levels.

A re-analysis of published data from the Israeli Health Ministry by Dr. Hervé Seligmann, a member of the faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases at Aix-Marseille University, and engineer Haim Yativ reveal, in short, that the mRNA experimental vaccine from Pfizer killed “about 40 times more (elderly) people than the disease itself would have killed” during a recent five-week vaccination period. Among the younger class, these numbers are compounded to death rates at 260 times what the COVID-19 virus would have claimed in the given time frame.

While the full mathematical analysis may be found in the article itself, the authors demonstrate how among “those vaccinated and above 65, 0.2 percent died during the three-week period between doses, hence about 200 among 100,000 vaccinated. This is to be compared to the 4.91 dead among 100,000 dying from COVID-19 without vaccination.”

“This scary picture also extends to those below 65,” the researchers continued. During the five-week vaccination process “0.05 percent, meaning 50 among 100,000, died. This is to be compared to the 0.19 per 100,000 dying from COVID-19 (who) are not vaccinated … Hence the death rate of this age group increased by 260 (times) during this five-week period of the vaccination process, as compared to their natural COVID-19 death rate.”

vaccines save lives

A sales pitch growing weaker by the day, certainly for Israelis.

The thing that troubles me most when considering Israel, is that they have the highest uptake on COVID vaccinations in the World, but the flu vaccination rates among nurses there is among the lowest in the World. A study in Israel in 2012, submitted under the title What lies behind the low rates of vaccinations among nurses who treat infants?, stated:

"The nurses were concerned about side effects and believed that the risk of

contracting the disease was not worth the risk of being injected.

They felt this way toward both pertussis and influenza vaccines.”

A reminder for you here that COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus, just the SAME as all flus (influenza), and also the common cold. They are NOT rare, and they are NOT greatly dissimilar. COVID is a flu. FACT! Yet here are the Israelis injecting EVERYONE with the VERY SAME thing - a flu vaccine - that nurses have grave concerns about. And, added to this, these vaccines are now MANDATORY in Israel. You have NO choice. You are having one. And, added to that also, is the fact that they have introduced vaccine passports. So no going ANYWHERE until you’ve had the jab. It’s happening. And quickly too.

Didn’t think it would get this bad?!

Well, it has. We now live in a World where people among us are being given an entirely untested and all-new medical intervention, against their will, and anyone refusing is either excluded from society and/or committing a punishable crime against the state. So it’s gone beyond just the open and obvious state-driven prejudice against the unvaccinated. It’s MANDATORY on Earth already, the precedent is set! No debate, no argument, no hearing it. DONE! And coming to a place near you soon! Don’t think for one second that this won’t happen to you, wherever you are.

The 2012 Israeli nurse vaccination rate study mentioned above goes on to summarise as follows:

“In our study the nurses expressed an array of negative feelings against vaccines.

These feelings included anger at loss of independence, fear of a new vaccine (being a guinea pig), fear of the side effects and more. This is specially striking as their everyday routine work includes immunising infants with this same pertussis vaccine”.

Whilst this twisted situation seems shocking when you first read it, the thing that adds the real insult to this most monumental of all medial injuries - the preachers with no faith in what they preach, yet still practising it, on infants - is the truly disturbing words from the authors of the study. They felt that:

“Health authorities must convince nurses that they are unethical for refusing vaccines, and that they need an increased perception of themselves as “transmitters of diseases.”

Truly incredible! Blame the nurses. They are the unethical ones! You couldn’t make up this level of authoritarian arrogance however hard you tried. It’s outrageous that anyone could have written those words. If you were to take ANYONE’s word or advice on vaccines, would it be from those promoting them and profiting from them, or from those administering them who have no faith in them themselves? Great choice!!!

On a positive note when discussing Israel, they happen to also be leading the way with the calling-out of those responsible for the blatant trampling-over of their human rights. There are lawyers there who are calling for a Nuremberg Trial, just as the Nazis had after World War Two. This is SERIOUS. This is THE biggest of all courts in the land. They want those responsible for the inhumane measures taken over this whole COVID debacle to be tried for their crimes. In front of the World. Me too. I wish them every success.

Indisputable COVID vaccine FACTS . . .

One online commentator summed up the COVID vaccine issue perfectly, when he stated:

“Despite the protestations of those like Bill Gates, who have a financial interest in these experimental vaccines, and the BIG Pharma corporations that are selling these vaccines, and the governments that are being bribed by the international public health cartel to purchase these vaccines and pressure their public to accept them, and the corporate media who relies on these BIG Pharma corporations for their advertising dollars . . . some facts about these novel coronavirus vaccines are INDISPUTABLE:

  • They are the MOST rushed vaccines EVER developed.The manufacturers have been given total immunity from liability if their experimental vaccines cause injury.

  • The clinical trials testing the safety of these vaccines are NOT finished, meaning that EVERY member of the public who takes one is now a human guinea-pig in an ongoing medical experiment with the population of the planet.

  • The Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines are themselves part of an experimental class of injection that has NEVER before been given to the public.

  • These vaccines have NOT been tested for their ability to prevent infection or spread of SARS-CoV-2, and are NOT intended to do so.

  • There is absolutely no long-term data about these vaccines to determine what their effects may be on fertility, the potential for pathogenic priming, or any other serious adverse reaction.

That this represents the most reckless and brazen experiment in the history of the World is undeniable on its face. Never before have billions of people been pressured to submit to a completely experimental, invasive, medical procedure on the basis of a disease with a greater than 99% survival rate.”

So what does this mean for us?

It means that we are pointlessly, and at great human risk and expense, running along with a wholly unnecessary plan to eradicate a disease that is demonstrably of NO threat to us. And, just as above, it also means that we are being used as guinea-pigs so that people can make money. We are being abused by power and money. As before, we are nothing more than lab rats to these gargantuan pharmaceutical companies and our ignorant, corrupted, and heartless Political, Health, and Media leaders.

Before I move on next to comparing COVID to other diseases, and away from vaccines, I want to show you a very dubious connection between the two; other infectious diseases and their vaccines. Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagion - just like COVID - that is supposedly transmitted in the very same way; through the air, person to person, on a sneeze or a cough. It KILLS FAR IN EXCESS of 1 MILLION in the World EVERY YEAR (actually 1.4m - 1.5m in 2020), and has done precisely that for thousands upon thousands of years. It too has a vaccine, one that has been used in the billions, across many decades, NOT working!

So what is it then about this all-new technologically-designed COVID vaccine that makes us think that COVID will be cured before TB is? Why are we not all in the queues for testing and vaccines? I have NEVER heard ANYONE in my entire life give a single mention to Tuberculosis, EVER . . . the disease that is told to us - CDC, NHS, World Health Organisation, etc - as being the biggest contagious killer of human beings ever known to mankind, and by a country mile too. Do you hear any differently?!

Comparing COVID with other diseases . . .

It would take very little common sense to make such a quick and easy decision on the ‘99/1’cancer question I put forward to you earlier, certainly mindful that cancer affects roughly 18million people per year, with roughly half that number, 9million, dying from it Worldwide year on year. However, if you are diagnosed with having cancer, your chance of surviving the next five years with certain types (for example - brain, liver, stomach, lung, liver, pancreas, ovary, unitary tract) is less than 50%. For cancer of the lung, liver, brain, and pancreas, the chance of 5-year survival is somewhere in the region of only 10%, and on occasion even down as low as 5%.

Cancer, if you get it, can be a relentless killer, of that there is no doubt. According to America’s leading cancer research organisation, National Cancer Institute, the forecast is that by 2040, the number of new cancer cases per year is expected to rise to 29.5 million and the number of cancer-related deaths to 16.4 million. This is heading towards DOUBLE the amount presently, for both cases and deaths, in 20 years!

However, presently, year on year, cancer still only takes very few of us. With nearing on 8 billion people alive on Earth today, cancer only kills 0.1125% of us every year, roughly 1 in every 900. Even cardiovascular disease, classed as the World’s number one killer, takes 18million per year, which is still only 0.225% of us, 1 in every 450. The odds of you dying from these most commonly known ailments are still stacked very heavily in your favour. Your chances of dying from them in 2020 can be described in no other way than ‘slim’ . . . unless of course you eat tons of red meat, drink gallons of booze, smoke heaps of cigarettes, and sit on the sofa all day every day, in which case your chances increase dramatically.

The healthier your lifestyle, the less chance there is of you dying of cancer or heart disease; ‘officially’ the World’s two biggest killers. It is every-day common sense that those of us with healthier lifestyles get less sick. Those who cannot see this need a big injection of common sense to protect themselves against further stupidity. It’s indisputable common sense, plain and simple.

COVID-19, in comparison to the heart disease and cancer statistics, has killed roughly 2.6 million of us in a time period now exceeding 12 months. That’s a VERY SMALL 0.03% of us in total, which is 3.4 times less than cancer, and 6.8 times less than cardiovascular disease. So, I ask you to search out your common sense and answer me as to why we are so desperately looking to eradicate COVID, something so unlikely to kill us, when we should be looking at ways to actually prevent things that are proven as preventable, such as heart disease and cancer? Surely that would be the common sense priority; teach prevention over paying for cure? We would then have less deaths, less sickness, less strain on our healthcare services, less reliance on our tax contributions, and far less for us human beings to worry about.

Even if you get COVID, according to Worldometer statistics online, your chances of dying from it once you have it are still only 2.2%. As at the middle of March 2021, there have been 119 million recorded ‘cases’ Worldwide, with a death count of 2.6 million. So, assuming that we are counting all deaths correctly, and that many more people probably would have had it over and above those that have tested positive, this gives good reason to seeing that the 2.2% figure is an absolute maximum chance of death after infection. Unless thousands of people have had it and wandered off into the wilderness to die from it, or unless fewer people have been tested for it than stated - both of which I doubt very much indeed - then it stands true that this 2.2% is indeed the absolute maximum chance you have of dying from it if you have tested positive. Again, just to tap into your common sense here, 2.2%, to anybody, is a VERY low probability, one that you would not bet your life’s savings on in the casino. Well, not if you had any common sense.

But cancer and heart disease are not contagious, so how can they be compared with COVID? What about other infectious diseases?

Cancer and cardiovascular disease are not ‘out there’ for us to ‘catch’, but out there for us to develop, mainly through bad diet, bad life choices, bad environment, or terrible bad luck. So, should we not be looking to see what else we could ‘catch’, or what else ‘out there’ might be worse than COVID? What other infectious diseases are there that we can use to best compare to COVID?

How about Tuberculosis . . ?

Tuberculosis (TB) is the one contagious disease that has taken more lives than any other in the history of mankind. TB is a disease rarely spoken about, yet it consistently kills about 1.5 million people every year. Not just the odd year, but EVERY year. Just like COVID, TB is a disease caused by germs. TB is supposedly caused by bacteria, COVID supposedly by viruses, both of which sit under modern medicine’s Germ Theory as ‘infectious agents’. According to America’s CDC:

“TB is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but TB bacteria can attack any part of the body such as the kidney, spine, and brain. Not everyone infected with TB bacteria becomes sick. As a result, two TB-related conditions exist: latent TB infection (LTBI) and TB disease. If not treated properly, TB disease can be fatal.”

Note here, that just like COVID, not everyone infected gets sick, yet it can still be fatal. It still strikes me as very odd that we can ‘catch’ and live with something that can kill us, yet most all of us who have it develop no symptoms and do not die. Does that not strike you as odd too?

Did you know that according to the history of TB it is supposedly 3 MILLION years old? Of course you didn’t, and neither did I until I researched it. Apparently, it has been in our lives for as long as we dare to imagine, even with the bacteria being present on Earth long before human life existed. So just imagine how many people it has killed over the years? The number must be in the multiple billions, and using the supposed age of the disease and the CDC’s estimates on annual deaths, many more people must have died from it in only a small fraction of that 3 million years than are alive today. Basic maths, the calculator on your phone, and a small dose of good common sense will tell you this in seconds; Tuberculosis is the daddy of all infectious diseases ever known to mankind, FAR FAR FAR FAR worse than COVID.

Even if you generously trimmed-down the annual TB deaths at being 1 million per year over the last ten thousand years, that would mean 10 billion dead! That’s 2 billion more of us dead from TB than there are people on Earth today. As I say, simple maths and common sense tells us that tuberculosis is the thing we should be more concerned about than COVID, unless of course you think that COVID could last for the next five or ten thousand years?! Let’s hope not eh!!!

The World, as most all of us with an ounce of common sense know, has never lived in collective fear of TB. None of us have ever worn masks or been shut-down and locked-down because of it either, yet according to the CDC and all other World health agencies, including the World Health Organisation, it transmits through the air, just like COVID does. And, the TB death statistics are in the same range as COVID too. Cancer is in the range of 5-10million deaths per year, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is 15-20million, TB is 1-2million, and COVID is 2-3million. As you can see, very clearly, with your own common sense, COVID is far closer in its danger to us with TB than it is to cancer or cardiovascular disease.

What TB? Where?

So, if tuberculosis is such a deadly infectious disease, one that killed well over over half as many of us as COVID did in 2020, and has been killing us in such vast numbers every year for thousands upon thousands of years before that, then why is it that we haven’t seen it on the news? Why are we not aware of it? Why is it not THE biggest part of our every-day lives just as COVID is? Why were we not warned repeatedly about it in school? Why did our parents not share this vital information with us and protect us as best they could from TB? Why did the Doctor not tell us?

More importantly, and far more topically, are the following questions:

Why have we not been wearing masks for the last ten thousand years because of TB?

Why have we not isolated those who test positive for it?

Why have we not closed down our health services to cope with it?

Why have we not closed down businesses and banned public gatherings?

Why have we not restricted travel and closed down all our borders?

Why is there not a governmental push for mass vaccination for it?

Why have we not seen talk of a vaccine passport for TB?

Why have NONE of these measures EVER been considered or taken place?


I doubt many reading this even know what the symptoms of tuberculosis are, or much other information about it for that matter. This is what the CDC has to say about TB - how it spreads, its symptoms, the vaccine, and so on:

How TB spreads:

TB bacteria are spread through the air from one person to another. The TB bacteria are put into the air when a person with TB disease of the lungs or throat coughs, speaks, or sings. People nearby may breathe in these bacteria and become infected. TB is NOT spread by shaking someone’s hand, sharing food or drink, touching bed linens or toilet seats, sharing toothbrushes, or kissing.

Point to note here is that the America’s CDC state, in plain English, elsewhere on their own website, that the incidence of TB in America is low, and that the disease mostly affects those in certain ‘other’ areas of the World. America had less than 9,000 cases of TB in 2019, only 0.6% of the World’s total TB cases. With Americans representing roughly 5% of the World’s population, how is this humanly possible?

Mindful that this readily-transmissible disease has been travelling among and between us for many thousands of years, how is the incidence of it not as evenly spread World-wide as COVID? It not only transmits when we cough or sneeze, but also when we speak or sing in close proximity to each-other. How can there be such discrepancy across the globe when the disease is supposed to be highly infectious, transmitted through the air person to person?

I know that it’s a common story that Americans don’t travel abroad much, but many millions of people travel to and from America from all corners of the World, and on a very regular basis, and they have done for hundreds of years. Again, common sense tells us that TB, if transmitted in the air, should be everywhere, just like COVID is. It should be culling us like there’s no tomorrow. Yet, to date, it has gone unchecked, almost entirely, certainly with regard to it being of ‘global’ issue. As I say, more than half as bad as COVID was Worldwide in 2020, but not a single mention of it, anywhere, from anyone. Not on the BBC, not on Sky, not on CNN, not in the Times, not in the Daily Mail. Nowhere!

Is there some secret trigger percentage at which our health advisers and government officials actually take note and do something about infectious diseases, because I simply cannot see how something that has killed millions of people for thousands of years could be in any way less important than another thing that has literally only just touched the sides of such numbers. Am I missing something here?!

Signs & Symptoms:

Symptoms of TB disease depend on where in the body the TB bacteria are growing. TB bacteria usually grow in the lungs (pulmonary TB). TB disease in the lungs may cause symptoms such as a bad cough that lasts 3 weeks or longer, pain in the chest, coughing up blood or sputum (phlegm from deep inside the lungs).

Other symptoms of TB disease are weakness or fatigue, weight loss, no appetite, chills, fever, sweating at night. Symptoms of TB disease in other parts of the body depend on the area affected. People who have latent TB infection do not feel sick, do not have any symptoms, and cannot spread TB to others.

Note here that unlike COVID, those showing no symptoms associated with TB are unable to spread the deadly disease, and it is only those who are clearly affected by it that can transmit it. Why the difference? We are told that those testing positive for COVID and showing no symptoms can still spread the disease, yet this is not the case for TB. Again, very strange, and surely then, mindful of the multiple millions over time that have been killed by TB, if it actually were transmissible from those with no symptoms, the odds of the human race surviving up until now would have been slim at best. So thank God that TB can’t live on shopping trolleys, and thank him even more that it can’t be spread by most of those who have it!

TB Vaccine (BCG):

Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB) disease. This vaccine is not widely used in the United States, but it is often given to infants and small children in other countries where TB is common. BCG does not always protect people from getting TB.

Again, if TB is so contagious, as well as being the deadliest of all contagious diseases in human history, EVER, then why have we not seen a huge global pandemic program to eradicate or contain it, EVER?And, in America, the land of mass medicinal interventions, and the place in the World where children get more vaccines than anywhere else on the planet, how is it that the vaccine ‘cure’ is not widely used? Why go nuts over COVID, setting out discriminatory conditions for those who do not have the vaccine - no travel, no job, etc - when tuberculosis has been doing precisely what COVID is supposed to be doing . . . for thousands upon thousands of years? To me, this makes NO SENSE, none at all.

Is this all making sense to you? Do you see the glaringly obvious similarities between TB and COVID? Can your common sense now see that they are both airborne infectious diseases of a very similar nature? In fact, other than the very confusing notion that one can transmit on surfaces and the other cannot, the mirroring of how they both behave as the invisible enemy to strike us down is precisely the same. Don’t spend time in close contact or you’ll get it, and don’t rely on the vaccine to protect you from it either.

The CDC very clearly state that the BCG vaccine does not always protect people from getting TB. Again, is this sounding familiar?! We have been offered no such guarantee with the COVID vaccines either, relying on nothing more than hope and chance that the vaccines will do what they claim to do; protect us.

BCG Recommendations

In the United States, BCG should be considered for only very select people who meet specific criteria and in consultation with a TB expert. Health care providers who are considering BCG vaccination for their patients are encouraged to discuss this intervention with the TB control program in their area.


BCG vaccination should only be considered for children who have a negative TB test and who are continually exposed, and cannot be separated from adults who are untreated or ineffectively treated for TB disease, and the child cannot be given long-term primary preventive treatment for TB infection; or have TB disease caused by strains resistant to isoniazid and rifampin.”

I ask that you attempt to make anything resembling common sense of any of this. The CDC are saying that children should only be considered for a BCG vaccine if they do not have TB, and where they are in a situation in which they cannot be isolated from those with symptoms. I totally get the first part, as why would you vaccinate against it if the child already has it? But to suggest that children cannot be separated from others to save their lives is totally ridiculous. We have all experienced separation from those with COVID, and even long before COVID if we knew that Grandma had the flu we simply avoided taking the children to see her until she had fully recovered. Staying at home and protecting the vulnerable is supposedly paramount to the control of this all-new viral infection. And, I am as sure as ‘eggs is eggs’ that most all human beings would find a way to keep their children separated and safe, well away from imminent danger, regardless of where they live or how rich or poor they are.

"Little Johnny is going to be fine at home, just don’t speak or sing to him.”

So, my common sense tells me that bacterial infection is very different to viral infection. But, with that said, the transmission of TB - a disease that’s been around for millennia - is almost precisely the same as that for COVID, certainly in the respect that it moves from person to person through the air between them. Surely if this has been the case for a very long time, and TB’s effects on humanity have been far more devastating than COVID in terms of the astronomic death count, then we should have been living in fear of TB since making our first thoughts as a child. According to our global reaction to COVID, everyone everywhere should know about TB, and everyone everywhere should be taking precautions to avoid it.

TB has supposedly killed hundreds of millions of us, possibly even billions.

COVID has supposedly killed 2.6 Million.

One Billion is a thousand times greater than one Million.

If TB has killed 1 Billion in its time here on Earth, COVID represent 0.26% of TB deaths.

If TB has only killed 100 Million, COVID still only represents 2.6% of TB deaths.

Let’s talk about the COVID dead . . .

Firstly, on the matter of deaths, I want to ensure that you realise - by using your own common sense - that the numbers have been manipulated, and that far less people have died because of COVID than ANY official numbers might have us believe. They have been fraudulently inflated, and massively too.

It is now moderately common knowledge that anyone who tested positive for COVID prior to their death has been registered as a COVID death statistic. In many instances, those who have not been tested for COVID prior to death, but have simply died with ‘suspected’ COVID, have also been actively encouraged as being registered as COVID death statistics too. If the person completing the death certificate thinks there was a chance you might have had it, you’re added straight into the death numbers.

Also, if you have died after having already had a life-threatening illness (AKA ‘morbidity’) of any kind, such as cancer, heart disease, or many others, and you had as positive test prior to your death, then, again, you are a COVID death statistic. Even someone here in Mauritius - one of the 10 dead among 1.3 million - was a man who worked for a friend of mine. Sadly, he was a terminally ill cancer patient given only months to live. Obviously the person who signed his death certificate with COVID as the ‘cause’ had not one ounce of common sense. But hey, why tell the truth when a simple lie makes for a far better story, or at very least a better outcome for those pushing the ‘deadly-disease & vaccine-cure’ agenda.

There are many stories of people who have very clearly died from the likes of motorbike accidents, drowning, and even suicide, who have also been registered as COVID deaths. In the U.K. now if you die within 60 days of a positive PCR test for COVID, regardless of your ACTUAL cause of death, you are yet another COVID death statistic. So, as you can see, the death numbers are grossly inflated. This is true everywhere in the World. So to say that COVID has killed 2.6 million of us is simply NOT TRUE. If as few as half the COVID deaths were people who died of something else, then that puts COVID deaths well below tuberculosis deaths, immediately. So, as before, why the restrictions for COVID and not for TB?

Added to the false registration of COVID deaths, there has coincidentally been a huge downturn in the number of influenza (common flu) deaths since this all-new disease with almost identical symptoms to the common flu hit the headlines. As you can easily find by a super-quick search online, it is obvious that not only the odd person has been wrongly designated as a COVID death, but many many many more. My count on that would be a fixed, firm, solid, 100%, as of course I don’t believe the COVID disease tale at all. To me, NOT ONE person has died ‘from’ it, as IT does not exist.

Now that I have you wondering what I mean by me saying “COVID does not exist”, my last section before my sign-off is about Germ Theory - the idea that germs can infect us person to person, spreading diseases, many of which can be deadly to us, COVID included. The Germ Theory is the ‘official’ teaching in medical school, so all Doctors are taught it as FACT, and NOT as theory. This point is IMPORTANT!

However, for many years there has also been an alternative theory to explain the symptoms of diseases that are supposedly contagious. This theory is called the Terrain Theory, which, in brief, is the notion that we make ourselves sick by what we consume, and from the environment that we live in day to day. Toxins that our bodies ingest, whether voluntarily or not, build up inside of us and periodically we expel them via our natural bodily excretion functions, such as sneezing, coughing, fever sweats, vomiting, diarrhoea, rashes and puss (AKA typical contagious disease symptoms).

Terrain Theory is the polar opposite to Germ Theory. I shall explain . . .

Terrain Theory Vs Germ Theory

(David Vs Goliath) . . .

Germ Theory states that harmful germs like bacteria and viruses are capable of moving from one person to another, often in the air, with not even so much as contact between us, causing us to then ‘catch’ disease, get sick, and/or die. Terrain Theory states that infectious agents such as these do NOT exist, and that all sickness and deaths associated with these so-called ‘communicable disease’ are caused by a build-up of unnatural, unwelcome, and harmful toxins in our bodies - bad food, bad water, bad air, chemicals, pills, injections, alcohol, tobacco, and so on. Stress is also a big factor in the Terrain Theory too, as what we feel in our minds manifests itself as changes in our physical bodies.

Any licensed Doctor of modern medicine, or anyone else for that matter, who promotes the Terrain Theory, is seen as a heretic by most all of those practising modern medicine, with very few exceptions. So, for anyone such as me - very much NOT a Doctor - to be able to explain it to you may well appear easy in principal, yet for you to BELIEVE it over Germ Theory - mindful that your entire life has been spent in the belief that harmful germs like this exist - is far from easy. And this is in no way because of a lack of evidence to support the Terrain Theory, but because the idea now sat in your mind that we CANNOT catch ANYTHING from ANYONE goes against a very strong belief mechanism of yours that may well be unchangeable, regardless of the wealth of evidence supporting the opposing theory.

But, with the above said, I will do my best to explain it in a way that you can comprehend with your common sense before you foolishly dismiss Terrain Theory as our collective human reality. I am convinced that it is, and not simply because I want it to be so, but because of my own personal research journey, and my own logical and common-sense conclusions as a result of much time spent considering the credibility of both theories. You don’t have to be a Doctor or a scientist to understand the very simple and easily explained difference between the two theories. As I say, ALL you need is common sense.

This battle of the two theories is an unbalanced one from the outset, a real-life David Vs Goliath tale. Germ Theory is Goliath, as of course it is the ONLY theory that we are told to be true by our designated ‘Health Authorities’, and has been exactly the same for a good two hundred years or so. It has been taught, practised, and preached by the Doctors and scientists of modern medicine throughout the whole of your lifetime, so it is very much your past and present reality. Before COVID, which is an alleged contagion, one that sits as at today with ZERO evidence of its contagious nature, for anyone to propose that such contagious diseases do NOT exist would have made you laugh out loud. But NOW, it’s not so funny. NOW, it’s SERIOUS.

Right NOW, during COVID, we have arrived at the perfect time in all of our history for this Germ Theory connection to be scientifically proven. No better time in FACT for science to prove to us, beyond any reasonable doubt, once and for all, that it is the germs that are killing us, and to justify the fear, the new lockdown measures, and the enormous expense to the public purse. Proof that this human-to-human transmission exists should be easy for them to produce, surely?! Me, for one, I would gladly volunteer for any such experiment, sitting among the so-called’ infected’ to see if I ‘catch’ it. I know I will NOT.

To this very day, this major piece of the Germ Theory puzzle has NEVER been put to the test. Not to any test. And when this subject is raised - that the Germ Theory has never been put to ANY ‘real-World test’ - many people refer to the Spanish Flu as a great example of contagion, and, of course just how ruthless it can be. Estimates of those that died from Spanish Flu range from 20 - 50 million. Now that’s a LOT! It’s 20 + times more than have died from COVID. Yet, since 1918, the time of the Spanish Flu, there has not been one other human-to-human contact experiment done that I could source. And, the one they did during the Spanish Flu, in 1918, over 100 years ago, was an epic failure for those promoting the Germ Theory. In FACT, they couldn’t get anyone else infected, even when in VERY close contact with each-other. NOT ONE! Therefore, they did NOT prove the Germ Theory.


The proof of contagion experiment that I mention above was carried out in 1918, in Boston, America, where the US Public Health Service, in collaboration with the US Navy, took one hundred perfectly healthy volunteers who had not previously had flu or displayed any flu symptoms, and then tried to infect them by bringing them into extremely close contact with several of the sick. They shook hands, they talked for a while, and they went face-to-face while the sick patients breathed and coughed into the faces of the healthy volunteers, repeatedly. They even took what they saw and presumed to be infectious material from the lungs of the sick, and injected that directly into the arms of the healthy soldiers. As above, the ONLY thing this experiment proved was that a healthy person could NOT become infected from a sick person, even when in situations of overly forced direct contact.

The ONLY known study of human-to-human transmission in a ‘real-World’ environment PROVED that it did NOT occur, so therefore they could NOT confirm transmission between humans in this way, even in times of mass human sickness across all corners the World. And, putting this test into its real chronological context, 1918 was the end of the First World War, with poor and unsanitary living conditions, poor quality and lowly-rationed foods that were in unhealthily short supply, and populations stressed beyond the max after 4 years of planes dropping bombs and the fear of loved ones not returning from the dirty and disgusting battlefields. This was very much NOT 2021 in terms of the health of the external environment or the insides of people’s bodies. 1918 was not an easy time to stay healthy.

The First World War was also a time when vaccinations for military men were compulsory. So, to suggest that ALL the sickness in the World at the end of the most bloody battle in history has nothing to do with diet, environment, or the vaccines that were given to more humans than ever before, and that all this sickness was connected to is viruses - and ONLY connected to viruses - is utter nonsense. Contagion was NOT proven back then, and it hasn’t been since.

The original 1918 contagion study is shown below, sourced from the Journal of American Medicine’s (JAMA) own website. I have highlighted the elements worth truly focusing on, as they all say, on repeat, none of them took sick.” In his summary, of his findings, Milton J. Rosenau MD concluded:

“As a matter of fact, we entered the outbreak with a notion that we knew the cause of the disease, and were quite sure we knew how it was transmitted from person to person. Perhaps, if we have learned anything, it is that we are not quite sure what we know about the disease.”

To which I can add the word 'COVID-19':

“As a matter of FACT, we entered the COVID-19 outbreak with a notion that we knew the cause of the disease, and were quite sure we knew how it was transmitted from person to person. Perhaps, if we have learned anything, it is that we are not quite sure what we know about the disease."

Why do we ALL believe in contagion?

Here we are, in 2021, with plastic screens in supermarkets and pubs, all of us wearing masks, all staying well away from each-other, zero contact with family and friends for millions upon millions, many more millions out of work, many more millions going hungry, far more sickness as a result of lockdowns, countless businesses closed, and many who are unable to travel beyond home or any other designated ‘safe-zone’ . . . and ALL because of the UNPROVEN theory of contagious germs. As I say, it’s high time we put this wholly unproven theory to the test.

Wikipedia’s definition and meaning of ‘Scientific Theory’:

"A scientific theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world and universe that can be repeatedly tested and verified in accordance with the scientific method, using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results."

Ok, understood. So where are the methods and measurements resulting from putting the Germ Theory to the test? Even the most basic of tests? For example, I would happily volunteer to be sat on a ward with alleged COVID-19 patients. I will - although not happily - allow them to cough and sneeze in my face. I will happily let these patients try and infect me. I will let them attempt germ transmission, and directly in my face too. Being nose to nose when someone coughs or sneezes is NOT common human behaviour AT ALL, yet, for the purpose of this experiment, it is necessary to show LACK of infection in the most extreme of human-to-human contact experiences. If the Germ Theory were mine, and I was determined to back it up, THIS experiment - the one done on naval volunteers 100 years ago - is the ONLY way to prove it in the REAL World. Try again. See if it CAN be done this time.

If Germ Theory were my made-up theory, that’s the experiment I would want to be running. Because, surely, if there really were billions of such teeny little monsters waiting to leave one body and devour another, THIS is the ONLY way that I can prove it to any onlookers. “See! See what happened there? The sick one made the healthy one sick.”

If we can’t prove contagion - which NO ONE has, EVER - then we can drop the Germ Theory, forever, meaning we would never live in fear of ‘catching’ anything from anyone, ever again. And, we go back to normal - as was the case in our history before Germ Theory came to be - knowing that sickness comes to us because of our own lifestyles, diet and environment, and absolutely NOT from others who ‘infect’ us with it. In fact, this would not just take us back to our old ‘normal’, but it would liberate us from any of the future plans and desires among those abusing the GERM LIE, those who have quite clearly separated and controlled us. Already.

Ever since the Germ Theory first caught the interests of the medical fraternity - particularly those who saw huge profits ahead in the (alleged) treatment and the (alleged) prevention of (alleged) contagious diseases; that behemoth known as BIG PHARMA - we have all been made to live in fear. This has been the ultimate prejudice implanted in our minds, leaving us afraid of every other man, woman and child alive. Forget your religion, forget your colour, forget your political ideals, as THIS . . . the Germ LIE . . . has finally been perfected in order to keep us all apart from each-other, all afraid of each-other, for ever, for once and for all.

To BIG Pharma, the ONLY goal is more Customers and greater profits, those profits becoming in the multiple trillions of dollars, year on year, certainly with the vast amounts of medial ‘care’ that we are all now requiring in the form of vaccines. And it won’t be too long before they will be making more drugs to control the symptoms of COVID too, just like those they sell to people with HIV or TB and many other so-called infectious diseases. I don’t buy it, I don’t want it, I don’t want them to intervene in my life, in any way, ever, with this deadly-disease bullshit. It’s a story that isn’t true. Most refer to these made-up stories as myth or fantasy. But they have brought the ‘non-real’ to life, over many years (at least the last few hundred), and COVID is the last nail in the coffin that gets us all finally believing it, on mass.

We believe a lie. Our present reality is that most human beings believe that little things invisible to the naked eye - GERMS - move between us, often through the air, sickening and killing us. This is what you have been told by those in authority, on repeat, for your entire life, your parents too, and theirs, so, as a result of those constant reaffirmations, this is what you believe to be true. And, all information relating to contagious diseases ever seen by you has only strengthened this ‘theory’ in your mind, and placed it into the box where you store your FACTS. However, in direct contrast to these beliefs that we all have, the so-called FACTS here have NEVER been proven, not even during the biggest pandemic the World has ever seen; Spanish Flu. Nor indeed have they been proven during THIS current COVID pandemic.

Does your common sense not tell you that if contagion were true that we would all have been very dead a very long time ago? There are supposedly in excess of 100+ communicable diseases across the World, not just COVID. The two most recent ‘outbreaks’ knows as SARS (2003) and MERS each killed under 1,000 people across the entire World - 774 for SARS in 2003, and 858 for MERS in 2012. The percentage of humans taken down by these two diseases combined is 0.0000125%; one in every 4 million. That’s one in every 8 million among us for each of these so-called ‘outbreaks’. This is like ONE person dying in the cities of London, Chicago or Wuhan. Yet, in your mind, as you now see it, both SARS and MERS were deadly killers. Well, it’s time to get that out of your mind, and to consider the REAL numbers. And when you see those, you can begin to see the REAL threat that we face as humanity; the end-game of the criminals who have planned and promoted SCIENTIFIC FRAUD. Keep your eye on the medical mafia.

I am old enough to recall the panic and fear that was present during those SARS and MERS outbreaks, with all of us firmly rooted to our TVs, watching these germ-based disasters unfold. But did they spread like a virus is supposed to? They did NOT. Did they kill millions, just as many of us were led to believe they could? NO! Yet, our governments spent untold sums of money in PR campaigns to have us all live in fear of them, even when there was very early evidence showing that they were harmless to us as a species.

Beyond the Spanish Flu - when contagion was proven NOT to exist - the only other real media-fuelled outbreaks that we have encountered in the last 100 years have killed an unfathomably TINY number of us. These deaths, even if associated with each-other, could be labelled as nothing other than extremely rare diseases, rare conditions, something that we could only consider as being of lottery-winning probabilities of us ‘catching’ them. Yet, the message that has been sent out to us, on repeat, for many decades now, is that we all live daily in fear of contagion, and that a pandemic is always lurking.

For example, ‘Stoneman Syndrome’ is referred to as an extremely rare disorder that affects only one in every 2 million among us. Have you ever heard of that?! Any idea what it is? Well, regardless of what it’s super-long medical term is, or indeed what the symptoms are, it is of no concern to you because of its extreme rarity. Yet, just this one random and VERY RARE disease kills four times as many as both SARS or MERS ever did!

There are many aspects to our good health that remain a mystery to modern medicine, and, seemingly, when you look under the carpet you quickly find that contagion is one of those mysteries too. Yet, here we are, all towing the ‘contagious germs kill’ party line, driving ourselves into a medical-control abyss.

The words I leave behind . . .

This is the last thing that I shall write on COVID, certainly in terms of such long articles. I am done with it. I think that I have done my bit to spread the word. I have gone deep into this and been astonished at the level of untruths that we as human beings take so blindly and ignorantly as being true. We are easily deceived. It’s not so much a weakness, but a lacking in the strength to experience true and genuine open-mindedness, and to live free of the criticism of others. And, very much NOT like a virus, this freezing of the courage in our minds is seemingly highly contagious.

We now judge what we are told by who’s telling us and what our friends believe, and very much not by the words spoken by those operating outside of our typical comfort zone. She said it, so it can’t be true. He said it, so it must be. It’s unreasonable closed-minded behaviour on our own part, behaviour that comes with long-term, self-inflicted injuries, left, right and centre - the worst being lacking in learning. After all, life is for learning, and, right here, right now, it is what we don’t know that’s harming us all.

We can be our own worst enemy when it comes to belief. In truth, most all of us are weakest on our own, and we see our only measurable strength in the World coming from the support of others. We all feel safer in our bubble of believers, being alongside the like-minded masses, drawn towards those who seem to hold what we see as the same common values. They are so like us, so we like them. We trust them.

If you believe story ‘A’ to be true, then typically, as a human being, you see that anyone else saying that they firmly believe story ‘B’ to be true, and not your story ‘A’, must therefore be wrong. It’s’ our go-to defence of our beliefs - that many others believe too. I am not the only one who believes it. I am not alone. No middle ground. No debate. No inquiry. No evidence necessary. No discussion. Too many of us believe it for it not to be true. Those discounting our belief in story ‘A’ and endorsing their belief in story ‘B’ therefore MUST be wrong! Our collective weakness is our misunderstanding of the concept of ‘truth’.

If I tell you - just as I have - that this COVID-19 charade is entirely untrue, just as it has been for all communicable diseases before it, and you live among family and friends that will probably ridicule and patronise you when you first try to share it with them, does it make it right for you to discount what I am telling you so that you don’t have to encounter such awkward confrontation, or does it make it wrong for me to claim that you will be showing no common sense for going on believing the CONTAGION MYTH after all that you have just read? Which is right and which is wrong? Which story to believe? And why?

There is a STORY ‘B’, and it does NOT include viruses, it does NOT include lockdowns, it does NOT include masks, it does NOT include social distancing, it does NOT include restrictions on travel, it does NOT include business closures, it does NOT include vaccines, it does NOT include tests, it does NOT include fear, and most importantly of all . . . it does NOT include those with little or no common sense to see it as our human reality. This is no time to be ‘catching anything, but the most essential of all times for all of us to finally be ‘getting’ that very same ‘something’, agreeing on it as one, knowing it together, and speaking and standing as one collective voice, with one unified truth, World-wide. I believe that if we speak these words, we can change every life on Earth; all living better, all beyond fear of the invisible:

“There is NO VIRUS and never has there been.”

[I can see the T-shirt]

Now you know . . .


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